
Day 7


Saturday 9 October is already the last day of the 67th Tulpenrallye. In the morning we drive a nice test on the now well-known track near Colmar-Berg. This circuit has been expanded in the past year. For anyone who thinks they can drive better with their foreknowledge, that can end up surprisingly!

Then the participants in the Expert and Sporting in Luxembourg and the Belgian Ardennes will ride a number of challenging routes.

As communicated before, the area is difficult to access after lunch in Azur-en-Ardenne due to the heavy flooding of last summer. For that reason, it was decided to cross over major roads via a neutral route to Limburg and the finish.

The Touring and Vintage participants (and sponsors participating in the PartnerRallye) will head for Germany after Colmar-Berg. They have lunch near the B-D border and arrive at Vaals in the Netherlands to finish a little later at Château St Gerlach. This afternoon route is much less affected by flooding and participants must remain alert.


Chateau St. Gerlach

Day winners





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